Joan Dandeneau
Maid of Honor
Doris’ sister and oldest friend.
Doris’ favorite memory: There’s literally too many to narrow down to just one… but ruling the world as teammates in Cranium (we share a brain) and getting drunk off virgin margaritas and calling Google when our internet was down and becoming BFF with the voice on the other end of the phone come to mind.
Annie Thornber
Doris’ co-worker turned business partner turned BFF
D’s favorite memory: The two girls made a “Winter Wine-derland” day and visited several wineries throughout Napa and Sonoma, rode a Christmas themed trolley which ended up being not as magical as it sounded and they got off at the first stop and called an uber and went to a fancy restaurant instead.
Haven Sachar
They met in 2nd and 3rd grade in Brownies then reconnected in high school.
D’s favorite memory: For Haven’s 16th birthday, Doris, Carol and another friend made a life-sized Justin Timberlake doll and staged him in the driver’s seat of her new Ford Explorer.
Sadly, she can’t attend… but she still deserves a shout out. XO
Carol Zorn
Doris’ best high school friend.
D’s favorite memory: Far too many to narrow down. But shopping at Goodwill for hideous 80’s prom dresses and getting dolled up for a school dance will always make me giggle. Thank God photos were on film back then.
We still love to live by the motto “I need to get out of these wet clothes and into a dry martini.”
Taylor Dougherty
Doris’ highschool friend turned college roommate.
D’s favorite memory: After her family moved to VA our senior year, Taylor stayed with Doris for an entire summer. They lifeguarded during the day and went out dancing at the Tiki bar at night. They would make sandwiches each morning before work and without fail, every day Taylor would bite into her sandwich and realize she forgot to remove the paper from her cheese.