
The Day After

July 6, 2019

Since we’re doing the whole getting married stuff on a Friday, it allows us to spend more time with our friends & family over the weekend. Yay!


5K Race / Fun Run

Seriously, it’s supposed to be fun.

9:30 am

Race Director:
Amy VT, Professional Triathlete and all-around fun gal.

True to us, we’re hosting a “race” (read: fun run) and we hope you’ll all join in. No need to worry — you can walk it, jog it, run it, race it, heck, you can even turn around after 50 steps if that’s your jam. Just show up and we promise you’ll have fun and you’ll get a taste of what we do day in, day out. Plus, you can say you “raced” against some professional athletes (perhaps even the fastest American triathlete!) — and that’s just pretty rad. The trail is awesome (it’s what we use for most of our distance rides) — it’s safe, pretty empty this far out, and it’s impossible to get lost.

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Start line

Map yourself to the Northshore Athletic Fields parking lot. If you’re coming from Willows, walk out of the property, turn left on the sidewalk and after you cross the small bridge, go down and to the left. That’s the trail, you can’t miss us. If you show up after we’ve started, when you get to the trailhead go left. You’ll find us.

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Athleisure. Whatever you feel comfortable moving in. We recommend Wattie Ink. gear for all your swimming / biking / running endeavors (shameless plug to our #1 sponsor)


A note on getting ready

You can stay in your workout gear if you’d like. Or, if you’d like to change, we recommend bringing your clothes with you so you don’t have to go back to your hotel. There’s bathrooms you can quick change in or you may even be able to borrow someone’s shower if you ask nicely. Or, go back to your room if that makes you feel better. Most important, get yourself to brunch, because you need to refuel and rehydrate (with bubbly).


Post-Wedding Brunch


If you ran, you earned it. If you didn’t run, you still earned it. We’re so thankful you all came out to celebrate and we want to invite you to enjoy brunch with us. Plus, the hair of the dog isn’t such a bad idea, right? We’d also like to use this time to celebrate both of our parents’ 50th wedding anniversaries. Yup, you read that right. Fifty years. They’re our role models and deserve to be honored and celebrated! You won’t want to miss this — gorgeous venue and we’ve got our private indoor and outdoor space, lawn games, and some wine to drink.

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Novelty Hill - Januik Winery. Truth be told: this was the other venue we were deciding between for our wedding and we’re so excited that we get to use both! It’s less than .5 mile from Willows if you want to walk!

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What to wear

Whatever you feel comfortable in. Really, anything goes.

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There’s a big parking lot, shouldn’t be any issues!



Wine Tasting Tour


(or whenever they kick us out)

It’s Woodinville. It’s wine country. (Ok, the other wine country.) Its lovely and there’s countless wineries to see and taste. We don’t have a specific time or order set yet, but likely candidates are Matthews Winery, JM Cellars, Chateau Ste Michelle, Chateau Lill, and more. We’ll be leaving from brunch. There’s also a Whiskey Distillery which should probably be visited at some point, too…

Doris SteereJardin del Sol